
Innovative Plumbing to Improve Hygiene in Sydney’s Nasty Germ Hotspots


Safe and hygienic plumbing is a must in every home and business. What’s the point in practicing good hygiene, like washing your hands, if it actually makes the dirtier. We all know that the average bar of soap has been found to have bacteria including those that cause E. Coli, so we’ve turned to liquid soap from a dispenser. But all we’ve done is simply moved the bacteria from the soap to the dispenser button. Besides calling in a service to disinfect the dispenser at every turn, what can be done?


It doesn’t always have to be this way…

The Soapstream was created as a way to fix the problem of poor hand hygiene in schools and public toilets – absolute havens for all sorts of nasty germs to breed. What they’ve done is actually quite simple, and you may find that you’ll be kicking yourself for not thinking of it. Automatic sensor taps have been around for a quite a while now and the Soapstream takes advantage of their no-touch technology. So where does the soap come in?

You remember those old soap trays you’d have in the shower? Think of a more modern version that’s attached to the tap on an arm, and the bottom of the tray is like a sieve. Have this soap tray under the tap while its running and the water will mix with soap as it journeys on down to land on your hands. No touching of the tap, and no touching of the soap dispenser – no sharing of anybody’s germs!

Not only will this save you from catching nasty bugs, but it will actually save time. We’ve all stood behind someone at the sinks in a busy public bathroom and watched as they’ve struggled with a soap dispenser for a minute or two before finally getting their hands under the tap. That time is all saved when it’s just one single-step process to wash your hands. Plus, to save water, the Soapstream can be made to work for periods of five, seven, 10, or 15 seconds, depending on how much water you want to save.

All you need to do to get on your way to germ-free hand washing is to call a plumber in your area to fit it for you.

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