
How to Replace a Toilet Valve in Two Steps


A leaking toilet can be an absolute pain in the neck, leading to increases in water bills, damage to surrounding walls or floors and even accidents like slipping over thanks to the pool of water. Thankfully, not every leaking toilet will require the expertise of a plumber or plumbing contractor. If you’re ready for a little DIY when it comes to your Sydney plumbing why not try replacing your toilet’s valves?

Give it a crack, if you can’t do it. Call a pro.

Wondering how to replace a toilet valve? This is how!

Step One: Which Valve?

Before you start going at your toilet and hammer and tongs you need to know

which valve is the cause of all the trouble. In your toilet there are two valves: the inlet valve and the outlet valve. To find out which one’s at the root of the problem take the lid off your cistern and have a look at the water level. If the water is going over the overflow pipe then the problem is with your inlet valve, if the water is below the overflow pipe then the outlet valve is the problem.

Step Two: Fixing the Problem

Depending on which valve is at fault your actions will be different. You’ve gotta find out… is it the:

Outlet Valve: If it’s your outlet valve, the seating washer will be the part that needs to be replaced. To do that lift and twist the outlet valve out and you’ll find the seating washer on the bottom. Grab a flat screwdriver and use it to remove the split pin that holds the washer in place then you can simply pull the washer off. Keep a hold of the washer and take it to your local hardware store so you can be certain that you get the right one to replace it. All you need to do now is slip it back over your outlet valve, put the split pin back and pop it all back into your cistern taking care to match your half and full flushes up correctly.

Or is it the:

Inlet Valve: The first thing you need to do if the inlet valve is the culprit is to unscrew the water connector from the bottom of the inlet valve so you can safely remove the valve via the top of the cistern, along with the step washer as well. Make a note of the make and manufacture of your inlet valve and head over to your local hardware store for a replacement. Slip you new inlet valve into the cistern, taking care to make sure the step washer sits nicely as well. Now you can attach your water connector back up and you’re ready to go.

If you’d like more DIY Plumbing tips have a read of How to Stop Your Toilet from Running – Sydney Plumbing Handbook.

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