
Buying a Washing Machine – Plumbing Tips for Sydney Households


You’d be hard pushed to find a house in Sydney that doesn’t have a washing machine. They just make a huge difference in terms of saving time and water, but how do you go about choosing the right washing machine for your household?


(image source:

The washing machines you come across can be broken down into two categories: top loaders and front loaders. Each has their own positives and negatives, but it’s up to you to decide which one will best suit your household’s needs.

  • Top Loader Positives:

?     Slightly less likely to break down or need repair when compared to front loaders

?     Faster wash cycles

?     Cheaper to buy

?     Lighter and easier to move

?     Typically better rinse performance than a front loader

?     Can easily add clothes if machine has already started

  • Front Loader Positives:

?     Gentler on clothes

?     Costs less to run

?     Uses less water

?     Uses less energy when washing with warm or hot water

?     Uses less detergent

?     More program options

?     Higher spin speeds that’ll get more water out of your clothes, saving you drying time

?     Fits in small spaces


(Image source: Shutterstock)

  • Top Loader Negatives:

?     Tends to be rougher on clothes

?     Uses more water

?     Uses more energy if washing in warm or hot water

?     Uses more detergent

?     Costs more to run

  • Front Loader Negatives:

?     Longer wash cycles

?     Usually more expensive to buy than a top loader

?     Heavy to move

?     The higher spin speeds and less water used means your clothes are more likely to be wrinkled, increasing your ironing time

?     Louder spin cycles


(image source: Shutterstock)

Obviously each washing machine has plenty good reasons to buy it, as well as a fair few not to choose it. But it all comes down to what you want. If you want to save money long-term, you’re better off buying a front-loader washing machine, as it’ll cut down on your power and water bills. However, if you want to save time and money short-term, you’re better off buying a top-loader. Of course, every machine is different, and this list is just the bare basics. You’ll find much greater detail as you do your own research on individual makes and machines. As long as you keep in mind what you want from your washing machine, you’ll find the right one.

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